Recap #342: Homecoming Queen by John Hall

Title: Homecoming Queen

Summary: There hasn’t been a Homecoming queen at Westdale High for twenty-five years. Not since beautiful queen, Brenda Sheldon. Was killed in a gruesome car accident. Now the school has brought the tradition back.

But is Brenda back too?

One by one, the contestants start having nasty ‘accidents’. Deadly accidents…Could Brenda Sheldon’s ghost be out for revenge, or is it someone else? The truth is more terrifying than anyone could ever imagine…

Tagline: She’s drop-dead gorgeous

Initial Thoughts

Hi ya’ll! How are you? It has been a WHILE! [Wing: Welcome back! Always great to have a recap from you.] I have some exciting news I’VE BEEN PUBLISHED!’ Two of my monologues have been published in a Monologue Anthology called ‘Common’, this is a dream I have had since I was 16 so I’m beyond happy. [Wing: Congratulations! That’s damn exciting!] Aside from that life sucks, everything is expensive and I have become obsessed with getting my nails done every 3 weeks…

Ok, so we ALL know how I feel about Prom, Homecoming, dances, parties, being crowned queen, CROWNS! (Just read Prom Date) Growing up all I wanted was to be a Prom Queen: wear a pretty dress, wear a corsage, have the best looking Prom date and GET A DAMN CROWN! God I love crowns, I have quite a few now. [Wing: Excuse me, I think we can demand photos of your crowns. You can’t just drop something like that and not pay the photo tax!]

[Wing from the Future: Tuesday came through!

Sparkly crown on red surface.

Crowns are the best, if you ever have a bad day pop a crown on your head and have a cup of tea, you’ll feel better in no time…where was I? Oh right yes my initial thoughts of this book, so I have never read this before but I really love the thought of a Homecoming Queen ghost going after everyone, like she’s so filled with rage at her life being cut short on what should have been the best night ever, that she cant rest until everyone feels as bad as she does. However this is a Point Horror book so Im sure to be hugely disappointed, it’ll probably be some guy wearing a dress in a horrendously ableist, transphobic plot line. Siiiiigh. But Im an optimist and maybe there will be a really cool paranormal element, a real ghost! A real Homecoming Queen Ghost!! ONWARDS! [Wing: I’m glad someone is an optimist around here!]


Seventeen-year-old Melissa Brady is in her bedroom surprising her two best friends, Izzy and Celeste, with her new look. [Wing: Those are super cute names!] Over the summer Melissa got a tan and highlights from the sun and she lost weight, braces and her glasses. My God what an ugly beast she used to be braces? FAT? STONE HER. Izzy and Celeste can’t believe how different she looks, they haven’t seen her all summer as she had been working as a camp counsellor. Melissa had the best time working with children and even had a mini holiday romance. Both girls approve of Melissa’s new look and romance. Melissa has only been friend with Izzy and Celeste for about a year when she first moved to the area, she is super grateful to them for their friendship and wishes she could be like them: Izzy is totally free spirited and independent and only wears clothes from vintage store, like this morning she is dressed like a 60’s mod babe, Izzy has recently shaved her head. Izzy sounds like a badass. Celeste is ultra conservative in the way she dresses-the complete opposite to Izzy-but super smart and friendly. They talk about their respective summers, Celeste spent it working trying to raise money, her family is poor and she is relying on a scholarship to get into college, Melissa feels guilty for having a fun summer. The girls bicker gently as they head off to school and Melissa smiles, happy to be back. [Wing: Besides that whole Movie Magic + Losing Weight makeover, this is super fucking cute. It’s one of those rare times we get actual friendship from the characters.]

The girls talk about their new school year, they have Jabrowski for homeroom (Is Homeroom just normal class? Like registration?) [Wing: Depends. We had homeroom as a part of another class, it was like five minutes where announcements were made (and wasn’t even at the beginning of the day). Some places have five or ten minutes at the start of the day to make announcements, have homeroom teachers take roll, etc.] Celeste is taking all the hardest classes of course, Izzy is taking all the easy classes so she can chill and coast and Melissa is taking a mix. As they are putting their stuff in their lockers Izzy tells Melissa to play it cool but Seth Powell is checking her out, Melissa nearly turns around but Izzy stops her saying she should ignore him as

Jocks like Seth Powell think they can smile at any girl they want and she’ll come running’

Izzy advises Melissa to play it cool. Izzy gets it man, she knows. Melissa follows her advice but its killing her not to look at Seth.

They get to class and it’s chaotic, Jabrowski must be running late. Izzy says that the gruesome twosome have entered the class, she’s referring to Betsy Sullivan and Laurel Schaeffer the two most popular girls in school…with those names it sounds like they have been there since the 50s. [Wing: Ha, good point!] Melissa secretly wishes she was friends with them, they are everything she’s not; confident, popular, outgoing, they went to the best parties, wore the latest fashions, head up all the best committees blah blah blah, Melissa would like to be friends with them. [Wing: Um, what about your current friends who you are so happy to be friends with? Rude.]

Melissa doesn’t say this out loud though, she knows Izzy would be horrified. Melissa has always been shy and hates that about herself, she fades into the background but this year she doesn’t want to fade away she wants to be noticed. Behind Betsy and Laurel are Seth and Zach Kincaid. Zach and Betsy have been together forever and Seth has been dating Laurel since last year. Melissa asks Izzy if they are still together and Izzy is on the case to find out.

Melissa thinks about how when she first started Seth was really kind to her and helped her when she needed directions round the school. Melissa has had a crush since then. Seth smiles at Melissa and Izzy warns her Laurel is sending a death glare Melissa tries smiling at Laurel but Laurel just glares at her then whispers something in Betsy’s ear and they both laugh at Melissa. Uncomfortable Melissa turns away. I hope Betsy and Laurel are the first to be killed by the HOMECOMING QUEEN GHOST!!!!

Back to the classroom, Jabrowski announces that for the first time in twenty five years Westdale High will have a Homecoming next month including the tradition of having a Homecoming King and Queen! Yes I live for this shit! But also, why is it called Homecoming? Who is coming home? Where have they been? Why is everyone celebrating? And why are there Kings and Queens? America doesn’t have a monarchy right? And what Monarchy has a Homecoming? And What Monarchy is this? Are they just figureheads or do they have actual political powers? Do the Kings and Queens rule the school? I have so many questions! [Wing: Ahahaha, I adore you, Tuesday. And I have absolutely zero answers.

Well, maybe not zero. Americans can be weirdly obsessed with the monarchy despite having kicked it to the curb. Kings and Queens are, generally, popular kids. Suppose they could be considered to rule the school, though a lot of schools don’t have quite so striated hierarchies. 

Otherwise, I got nothing.]

Everyone is excited by the announcement but Melissa notices that there is a strange undercurrent, an undercurrent of fear…Oooooh, look at me being all RL Stine with ellipses. [Wing: NO. Don’t you start. Next thing, it’ll be needlessly dramatic cliffhanger chapter endings, and I’ll have to burn something down.]

Its lunch time, the food is gross. Melissa has her own tuna sandwiches and Izzy questions where her mum bought the tuna. Izzy it seems is an environmentalist, don’t worry the Tuna is the good kind not the dolphin killing kind. Celeste asks if there is any info on Seth and laurel and Izzy announces they are splitsville! Seth dumped Laurel over Labour Day Weekend.

What is Labour Day Weekend? [Wing: Labor Day is the first Monday of September (and, oddly enough, it is Labor Day as I’m commenting, though this won’t be scheduled for awhile yet) to honor our labor movement and all the work people have done to better labor conditions in the US. More importantly, it used to be common for schools to start immediately after Labor Day Weekend. It’s less common now, though I still know of some who wait.]

Melissa is excited but more interested in why everyone was so scared of the Homecoming Queen announcement. Izzy is all ‘They’re scared of Brenda Sheldon’s ghosts’ But Melissa is drawing a blank, Izzy realises that as Melissa is fairly new she has no clue who Brenda Sheldon is, Celeste jumps in ready to tell the story:

Twenty Five years ago Brenda Sheldon was the nicest and most beautiful girl in school, everyone voted for her to win and on the night of the dance, wearing a beautiful white dress, she was crowned Homecoming Queen. That night Brenda looked like a Fairy Princess. At the end of the dance Brenda wanted to go home but her boyfriend Jake Corsi wanted to stay out and party a little longer, Jake and his friends convinced Brenda they couldn’t party without their Queen so she agreed to break her curfew and go. The all got in Jake’s car but Jake had been drinking. It was a dark and rainy night and Jake’s brakes were broken, he had meant to get them fixed before the dance but put it off. They were driving down a road with hairpin turns in the dark and the rain, under the influence, Jake was swerving all over the road and swerved into the path of an oncoming truck, they collided and no one in the car was wearing a seatbelt. All five occupants were killed. 

Oh yay, another death by a car accident. Why do I keep reading books with these?

[Wing: That is such a sad story, and common, and so easily avoided.]

Izzy interjects to say that Brenda was actually decapitated but Celeste says that’s an urban legend and she researched the story to make sure she knows all the actual facts. Celeste continues that in memory of the five dead student they cancelled Homecoming as the spirit of Homecoming had been lost. What is the spirit of Homecoming? [Wing: I got nothing.] I still don’t know what Homecoming means, who is coming home? [Wing: This year … it’s dead people.] Izzy jumps in to say that to this day people have claimed to see Brenda in her bloodstained white dress walking back to Westdale so she can reclaim the crown and sceptre she left behind….


This girl won a crown and she LEFT IT BEHIND? WHAT THE HELL TYPE OF QUEEN WAS SHE?!? You know what Brenda maybe if you hadn’t left your CROWN behind you’d still be alive! [Wing: I. Am. Dying.]

Melissa wonders why they would bother having a Homecoming after such a tragedy and Izzy points out the school desperately needs funding and having a Homecoming dance is a great way to raise money. [Wing: I am skeptical, both that it would actually raise money – Homecoming can carry quite a bit of cost — and that they’ve suddenly decided twenty-five years is the perfect time to bring this back. Not like anyone remembers anything on such an anniversary.

While Melissa thinks about poor Brenda, Seth asks if he can sit by her, Melissa cant believe he knows her name and nods, Seth asks what they are talking about, Izzy tells him and he makes a joke about Brenda’s head. Izzy pounces and interrogates him about his relationship status, Izzy is the best friend. Seth makes it clear he is single and ready to mingle, with Melissa. Melissa is ecstatic but remains cool. Seth and Melissa chat about their classes for a bit but Seth has to head off to gym, he makes sure to say bye to Melissa. Izzy and Celeste are so happy for Melissa and just are just generally being awesome and supportive and I love them. Melissa thinks she is reading too much into everything but Izzy wants Melissa to believe in herself and that Seth is interested in her.

Then, like a bad smell, Laurel and Betsy appear. Laurel says she loves Melissa’s new look but Melissa needs to stay away from her boyfriend, Melissa says Seth told her he was single but Laurel claims its temporary then both Betsy and Laurel start making fun of Melissa saying she’s still the same, shy, boring girl on the inside no matter how much her look has changed, [Wing: I know they’re good at hitting her sensitive points, but ladies, you knew her for less than a year, you know nothing.] they joke that she’s getting ideas above herself and might run for Homecoming Queen.

Izzy immediately jumps to Melissa’s defence and says she would be a great Homecoming Queen, Celeste says that Melissa would win. Laurel and Betsy get rude so Celeste announces that she will nominate Melissa for Homecoming Queen this afternoon. Melissa is all Woah There Nelly!! [Wing: Ha, yes, super shy girl, definitely nominate her for Homecoming Queen. I love that her friends are trying to support her, but think this threw, darlings.]

Melissa says she doesn’t want to run for Homecoming Queen but Izzy says Yes the damn you do! Betsy and Laurel are going to nominate each other because the school needs a queen they can look up to, Melissa, annoyed and she apparently loves a challenge says ‘Yes Ill be running and Im going to win!’ Izzy and Celeste are right by her side cheering her on. Celeste says Melissa could be the first Homecoming Queen since Brenda Sheldon, Melissa is all smiles but inwardly Melissa’s blood turned cold, Brenda put on a crown then died. Which FYI is very rare, I wear crowns all the time and I have only technically died twice,- neither time was I wearing a crown. [Wing: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.]

So far I am loving Celeste and Izzy, if one of them turns out to be the Big Bad Im gonna be pissed.

It’s the weekend and Izzy, Melissa and Celeste are at the school putting up posters, Melissa is worried they’ll get in trouble as they aren’t supposed to be putting up posters until the following Monday but Izzy is a woman on a mission. Izzy thinks the gruesome twosome will have already put their posters and they need to catch up. Celeste starts panicking about whether or not they should do this, she’s worried they will get in trouble and it will go on her permanent record and jeopardise her scholarship. [Wing: Oh sweet girl.] Hey, why is it in these books that the smartest characters are always struggling financially and need a scholarship? Celeste starts to panic and Izzy snaps at her and calls her a ‘Basketcase’. Dammit Izzie! You were doing so well! Melissa calms things down and says Celeste can stay in the car and wait for them. A visibly relieved Celeste hands off her posters and gets back into the car. 

As they head into the school Melissa gently chastises Izzy for being tough on Celeste, Izzy is annoyed saying they aren’t doing anything wrong and Celeste was acting like a baby. I mean yeah its not like they are breaking in with a crowbar-Izzy’s dad plays poker with the school janitor every Saturday night and he mentioned doing work on the school on Sunday so the school is unlocked-but Celeste is relying on a scholarship, she doesn’t have any other options and she’s right not to want to get in trouble and put that at risk over a couple of posters. Izzy your shine is starting to fade m’love, be a better friend. [Wing: I’m sympathetic toward all of them. Melissa for being stuck in the middle, Celeste for being so stressed about her future that she’s paranoid over every little thing (…I may know how that feels), and Izzy for wanting them to work together to support Melissa.]

They go into the school and Izzy has no qualms about being caught and has a couple of stories ready to go if they bump into anyone. The school is very quiet and dark. The girls split up and Melissa gets a little creeped out, the school is so quiet its making her feel like she’s been cut off from the rest of the world. [Wing: This is fair! Empty schools can be creepy. Ostrich used to work at a school, and I’d hang out with him sometimes during the summer. Spend a lot of time in the library. Very creepy even with a few people scattered across the campus.] As she hangs posters she get nervous about how dark the school is and starts looking for the light switch. Melissa has always been terrified of the dark since she was little but now it feels very dark and creepy and like someone is watching her. Melissa heads towards the exit when she hears a sound, she turns around but there is no one there, then she hears it again, it’s a footstep, Melissa calls out again and finally finds the light switch, she flips it on, the corridor is empty but she cant shake the feeling someone was watching her.

As Melissa starts plastering her posters everywhere time whizzes by. She is excited for the students to see them, Izzy and Celeste helped her design them and Izzy used this cool paint that makes them glow in the dark…but the kids are going to see the posters during the day? Why do they need to glow in the dark? I have no idea who this is marketed to. In order to vote you have to buy a vote at a dollar each but you can buy as many votes as you want. Oh my God this is just a rip off! Are people actually going to buy multiple votes for this thing? Doesn’t everyone just get one free vote? Why y’all gotta pay? Voting is free! THAT’S NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION!…or it might be I have never read the constitution, for years I thought it was something to do with your tummy and your health. [Wing: This is bullshit and a complete popularity and privilege contest. The fuck?]

There’s five girls to vote for, the gruesome twosome Laurel and Betsy, Faith Robbins and Tia Diaz. Melissa doesn’t know the latter two but they were both sweet and congratulated her when the noms were announced. Melissa was excited to be nominated but her opinion of Laurel and Betsy has dropped dramatically, she’s realised that they were only nice to people they considered cool enough to be their friends but were mean and cruel to everyone else, especially the unpopular kids.

Melissa moves to the auditorium to hang her posters when she notices the stage has a throne on it. Curious, she walks up to the stage, the throne is made from dark wood and plush green satin. A red velvet robe with white fur trim is draped across the seat, on top of the robe lay a crown and a sceptre. At this point my ass would be on that chair under that crown, [Wing: Ahahaha, you are the best. Also, this is a very dramatic setup. Apparently Homecoming is Serious Business at this school, even though they haven’t had one in twenty-five years.] and of course Melissa does the same, she puts the crown on, the robe and picks up the sceptre, there’s a mirror on the stage…convenient.

Melissa admires herself and, taking a seat on the throne, fantasises about winning and being crowned Homecoming Queen, Seth by her side, Seth taking her home, Seth kissing her and kissing her and well you get the pg rated picture. Melissa imagines how everyone will stop thinking about Brenda and Homecoming will be fun again, then she stops and wonders if this was the same crown and sceptre that Benda held the night she died, the thought freaks her out, she sits up suddenly unnerved when she hears a whirring sound, looking up she sees a sandbag heading straight for her!

Melissa dives off the throne seconds before the sandbag smashes into the throne breaking it to pieces. Damn how heavy was this sandbag? Melissa is freaked the eff out, first the dark creepy school, the strange noises and now this potentially deadly ‘accident’ she whips off the crown and robe and throws down the sceptre and runs out of the auditorium desperate to find her friends.

Outside the school Melissa paused for breath when she heard a familiar voice demanding to know why she is at school, it’s Betsy. Betsy, whilst holding a bunch of her own posters, scolds Melissa for putting posters up before Monday. Betsy’s real smart y’all. Melissa counters that Betsy is there doing the exact same thing, when a surly voice tells Melissa to back off, its Zach, Betsy’s boyfriend. Melissa has always hated Zach, he is obsessed with looking good and he has a ‘Monster Ego’. Zach treated Betsy liked he owned her, he never let her out of his sight and went ‘Ballistic’ if another guy spoke to her. Dammit don’t me feel sorry for Betsy, Hall.

Melissa knows that Betsy loves the attention but realises how toxic it is, Melissa would hate a guy to be as obsessed with her as Zach is with Betsy. Thank you Melissa for understanding healthy boundaries. Zach tells Melissa that Betsy will win and she should just give up now, Zach says he’s going to Make Sure Betsy Wins and knows how to get rid of any competition, [Wing: Like I said, Serious Business. For some reason.] Melissa refuses to be intimidated by this twerp.

At that point Laurel rocks up holding Melissa’s Posters! Melissa is furious and says she will talk to the committee about Laurel breaking the rules and taking down her posters, Laurel claims she found them on the floor but lets face it, this little crew are a nasty bunch who would have no problems cheating their way to a win. They teased Melissa some more but she doesn’t let it affect her and heads off to find Izzy and Celeste. Melissa explains what happened, Celeste thinks its Brenda’s ghost coming to haunt the school because she is angry that they are doing Homecoming again, Izzy laughs this off and thinks someone made a mistake and didn’t check the sandbags. Melissa doesn’t say it but she wonders if Zach and the Twerp Twins had something to do with the sandbag after all hadn’t Zach said he knew how to get rid of the competition?

Melissa’s posters are a hit, maybe they don’t have decent lights in the school? Ah! Ok so Izzy got to school early and figured out a way to turn off all the lights so when the students arrived the neon signs popped out and danced in the dark, you couldn’t even see the other posters. Everyone congratulated Melissa on her amazing posters, Melissa said it was all down to Izzy. Izzy is so cool.  [Wing: That is such an odd thing, but also a lot of fun. Not sure I buy the school can be made dark enough to really make this work, but still fun.]

Melissa is nervous waiting to hear about the results, she doesn’t think she has any votes at all, Celeste and Izzy voted for her twice so she definitely has 4 votes. Izzy says Melissa has nothing to worry about and word on the street is she is in the lead, Melissa cant believe it.

Izzy is all business though, she thinks the next step should be fortune cookies with vote for Melissa fortunes in them. That sounds brilliant, I love Izzy. [Wing: Okay, that’s cute campaigning, but, uh, why are they making announcements before the end of the voting period? Oh, wait, they want this as a fundraiser and the more they announce updates, the more people are inspired to buy more votes. Never mind, this is smart.]

The announcement comes and Melissa is in the lead! Even better Betsy is fourth and Laurel is fifth. Suck it beasts. They terrible two storm out of the cafeteria. Melissa cant believe she is in the lead but gets collared by Laurel and Betsey, they think she bought all her votes herself, Izzy tells them to back off and they make fun of her clothes (Izzy is wearing a red satin bowling shirt over leggings and saddles shoes, SADDLE SHOES! I have always wanted saddle shoes! This outfit is epic!) [Wing: It is a cute outfit! Bowling shirts and saddle shoes were so popular back in the day. I had saddle shoes but never a bowling shirt.] Izzy is all, my clothes are amazing thank you very much and Betsy has the actual gall to claim Izzy looks like she came from the 50’s!!! BETSY YOUR NAME IS BETSY! YOUR BEST FRIENDS NAME IS LAUREL! YOUR NAMES CANNOT GET ANY MORE 50’S YOU MUPPET!!!

Laurel calls Melissa a loser and Melissa can’t help but point out that Laurel is literally in last place. I mean the lack of self-awareness these two characters have is outstanding. Laurel and Betsy storm off, Laurel snarling that She will be the next Homecoming Queen…Ok so Betsy and Laurel are both desperate to be Queen? And they are best friends? How does that work? Will they turn on each other? God I hope so! [Wing: Homecoming Queen Throwdown!]

Melissa heads to her anatomy class and Seth makes a sweet joke about Melissa being Queen and congratulates her on her lead, he then tells her he bought 20 votes just for her. Melissa is shocked and thinks he only did it because he feels sorry for her, Melissa Wake Up And Smell The Hottie! [Wing: Melissa, god, get yourself together, girl. I love you.]

Melissa then starts thinking that the only reason she received any votes was because everyone in school feels sorry for her, but then she thinks about how many people have been saying hello to her and congratulating her, giving her confidence to talk to more people and even join some after school clubs. Seth says he loves the posters and Melissa gives Izzy full credit, Seth asks if Izzy is the one who wear the ‘funky’ clothes, if by Funky you mean FANTASTIC Seth then yes.

They chit chat for a minute then Melissa straight out asks Seth why he never spoke to her before and was it just the way she used to look? Damn Girl, you are Awesome! [Wing: She is way braver than she gives herself credit for!]

Seth is stunned into silence for a minute but is kind of angry when he responds asking how she could say that, Melissa counters that last year Seth didn’t know she existed, Seth then lists Melissa’s favourite foods, actor, band, books and magazine then ends on listing the foods she hates. Melissa is shocked and asks how Seth knows all that, Seth says he’s very observant and maybe Melissa is the one who didn’t notice him. Inwardly Melissa is thinking that she noticed him all the time. Melissa asks why he never spoke to her if he noticed her so much? Seth explains that when he was dating Laurel she was super controlling, she would ‘freak out’ if he spoke to other girls, she decided who he was allowed to be friends with and who he wasn’t, everything they did had to be what she wanted to do, she never cared about what he liked or wanted to do and as he got to know her better he realised that he didn’t like her as a person. [Wing: Oh, Seth, I’m glad you got away from that.]

Damn Seth, that’s such a toxic abusive relationship. I have to say so far Hall has really made a point of making the reader understand how these toxic relationships are bad and not something we should be aiming for, especially teenagers.

Seth says he broke up with her and the only reason she wants him back is because she got dumped she’s never been dumped before, it’s pure ego. Melissa asks if Seth will get back with her but Seth is adamant he doesn’t want to get back with Laurel, in fact he thinks its time for a new girlfriend…

Before Melissa can respond the teacher sets them a pop quiz.

After class, it’s home time and it looks like a storm is rolling in, Seth offers to give Melissa a ride home, Melissa accepts but remembers she is supposed to be helping Celeste work on a essay, Melissa goes to find Celeste but after waiting at her locker for almost 15 minutes with no sign of her, Melissa realises she is keeping Seth waiting and writes Celeste a note explaining where she’s gone, she pops if into Celeste’s locker. [Wing: Ah, the times before cell phones. On the one hand, kind of a shitty thing to do to your friend. On the other hand, Celeste has apparently blown you off, so I can see deciding to go home.]

In the car they carry on talking, first about the pop quiz then Seth wants to hear all about her time as a camp counsellor. Melissa loved it and wants to go back next year, Seth says her summer was way more fun than his he just ‘vegged’ on the beach the whole time. I mean, that sounds like heaven to me. [Wing: I loved summer camp, but hanging out on the beach sounds like a lot more fun than working as a camp counselor.]

The rain starts coming down really hard so Seth parks up to wait it out until its safer to drive. [Wing: That is shockingly responsible, even if it’s really to give him more time to flirt.] While parked up, he says she never responded to him saying he needs a new girlfriend, Melissa points out that they haven’t even been on a date and Seth agrees asking her out to the county fair on Saturday. [Wing: Fucking adorable. Maybe a little late in the year for the county fair, but still, fucking adorable. (It would make more sense to have them after Labor Day; around here, all the fairs are in the middle of summer when it is a billion degrees and the air is basically water.)] Melissa is ecstatic then they kiss. Ok so that was kind of quick but so far I’m liking these two characters. 

Melissa gets drenched racing into her house, she dries off and goes through the mail, her brother has sent her a letter from college. Aw do you remember letters? I used to love getting a letter through the post, these days I hate even getting an email. [Wing: I still write little cards to people because I love sending handwritten things and, selfishly, I love making wax seals, and cards are a good excuse to do so.] The letter is short and chatty but its nice to hear from her brother.

Melissa gets herself something to eat and chills watching a soap opera when her phone rings. Celeste is on the line and she is not happy, she said she waited over an hour for Melissa at school, Melissa apologises explaining that she waited for 15 minutes at Celeste’s locker, Celeste said she was stuck talking to the guidance counsellor for over 20 minutes and expected Melissa to be at her locker waiting for her. Ok yes I get that but twenty minutes is a long time, Celeste.

Melissa said that Seth gave her a ride home, Celeste is pissed that Melissa ditched her for a guy, Melissa says she left a note in her locker but Cel never checked and didn’t see the note. Melissa begs Celeste not to be mad even though she knows Celeste has every right to be. I mean yeah but Melissa waited a while and left a note, she had no idea where Celeste was or how long she would be. Melissa is apologetic and explains to Celeste that she forgot they were meeting when he asked her and did everything she could she find Celeste and tell her. 

[Wing: Once again, this is an actual friendship! Neither of them are fully in the wrong, they talk through things, they care about each other. Where the fuck have you been, Hall, and why haven’t you written more of these books?]

Celeste is still mad but Melissa tells her that Seth asked her out and kissed her! Celeste is super happy for Melissa and invites her over to give her all the details. Melissa cant go as she has homework but promises to tell all in the morning. 

Melissa writes a letter back to her brother then posts it on the way to the library. The library is a couple blocks away with trees lining the street on one side. Once there Melissa hits the books, revelling in the smell of old books.

Whilst there, Tia and Faith the other two Homecoming Queen nominees come over and ask to sit with her. Faith is petite with ‘creamy skin’, freckles and short brown hair, Tia is tall with ‘dark skin’ and long dark hair that she always wears in a French braid. They congratulate Mel on her lead and joke about how pissed Laurel and Betsy are, they both hate Laurel and Betsy for keeping them off the cheerleading team last year just because Faith was doing a group project with Seth, Laurel was convinced Faith was trying to steal him.

Faith fully admits to crushing on Seth. Faith then asks if Melissa and Seth are dating as they were spotted in his car together, Mel plays it cool because she knows Faith is a huge gossip and says they are just friends.

Tia starts talking about Brenda Sheldon’s ghost coming back for the crown and they all joke around agree that if Brenda is coming back they hope Laurel wins and loses her head. [Wing: Goddamn, girls. Good goddamn.] They spend the next hour talking about dresses, the dance, movies, school and music. Melissa is surprised that they are so nice and welcoming and even more surprised when they invite her to a party in a couple of weeks, Melissa has tentative plans with Izzy but nothing concrete so agrees to go, marvelling at having two invitations in one day, was she becoming popular? [Wing: Melissa, you best be careful, you’re headed towards abandoning your friends.]

They offer her a ride home but Melissa has lots more work to get through and stays behind.
Melissa finally finishes her paper and heads home wishing she had accepted the ride from Faith, its raining again and its really dark. As she sets off she avoids looking at the trees lining the street focusing on just getting home as quickly as she can. The street lights are not working and all the houses are dark, due to the weather there is no one out in the street. Melissa is feeling nervous being alone and cant shake the feeling someone is following her. As she hurries down the road she hears a twig crack near the trees, she ignores it but hears it again, this time she looks right at the trees and sees a figure in a white dress stained in blood. The figure points at Melissa                                                and in a reed thin voices says:

‘Wear the crown and you will die…die just like me!’

Melissa is frozen in fear, she cant believe she is seeing the ghost of Brenda Sheldon, she is somehow in the middle of the road (it wasn’t really explained how she ended up in the middle of the damn road, dammit Hall DETAILS!) when she hears a car beeping heading straight for her, she manages to jump back on to the pavement as the car whizzes by. Melissa looks back into the woods but cant see the figure anymore, she wonders if she imagined it but knows what she saw and heard, she briefly thinks about going into the woods to check but decides against it thinking that someone could be waiting to grab her, instead she turns and runs all the way home. Same girl, same.

[Wing: I’d be very tempted to check, but she made the right choice, the horror-smart choice.]

The next morning Izzy is waiting for Melissa at her locker, Izzy is wearing bell bottoms, platform shoes and a tie dye T-Shirt. Izzy owns me. [Wing: Fittingly, a lot of schools do themed days leading into the Homecoming dance, and 70s day is a very standard theme. Izzy’s on top of things.]

Mel makes a crack about the 70s but all Izzy is interested in in Melissa and Seth kissing last night. Celeste arrives swearing she only told Izzy about the kiss, they then query why Melissa looks so tired and withdrawn given she made out with and was asked out by the hottest guy in school.

Melissa swears them to secrecy and tells them she saw Brenda Sheldon’s ghost last night, she tells them everything that happened after she left the library last night. Celeste is shocked and wide eyed, Izzy is incredulous and doesn’t believe it was an actual ghost, Melissa asks what she saw last night and Izzy thinks someone was playing a creepy joke on her. [Wing: I mean, that’s very logical, especially considering all the things going on around Homecoming.]

She asks who would do that and Izzy looks at Betsy and Laurel as they walk through the hall. Izzy says its probably retaliation for Seth giving Melissa a ride home and she best not mention it in case she loses votes, [Wing: … for seeing ghosts? Or for calling out Betsy and Laurel?] plus she doesn’t want Laurel knowing she got to Mel.

They head to class and Seth turns up, he walks Melissa to class and asks her out this coming Friday, of course Mel says yes. As soon as she gets to class Izzy and Celeste descend wanting to know what he said, she tells them about the date and Izzy points out they are supposed to go dress shopping on Friday, Melissa says she forgot and Izzy points out she’s been forgetting a lot lately, bringing up how Melissa ditched Celeste last night. Izzy says Melissa is becoming a member of The Snob Squad. [Wing: Which is a completely valid point! I still think the Celeste timing had neither one wrong, but add everything else in, and yeah, Melissa’s starting to look like a Dick before Chick kind of girl.

Melissa is embarrassed and upset and says she will cancel her date, that when it comes to Seth she just forgets things. Celeste says they can go shopping after school today and then Mel can keep her date with Seth and Izzy agrees saying she doesn’t want Melissa to cancel her date…are you sure Izzy? Mel makes sure Izzy is being serious and Izzy apologises for being sharp with her and they make friends. [Wing: I actually quite like that Hall hasn’t written any one of them as being 100% right and the other two wrong. It’s complicated, as friendships are, and they talk through it, apologize, remain friends. Sweet, sweet friendships.]

After school the three of them head straight to the mall, Melissa wants a dress that will blow Seth’s mind. Izzy sees a very sexy red dress in the window of a boutique and convinces Mel to check it out, Celeste thinks it’s a little too sexy and Melissa says there is no way her parents would let her leave the house in it, Izzy says she could keep it at her house till the dance, Melissa then remembers that her parents are going to be away the weekend of the dance so they wouldn’t see her in the dress. (Of course they will be away). [Wing: I’m shocked that they’re still in town at this point as it is.

They head into the shop, Izzy goes to find a salesperson to ask about the window dress, Celeste tries to convince Melissa to try on a long sleeved ivory dress but the colour reminds Melanie of the Brenda Sheldon apparition she saw and she makes up an excuse of wanting a darker colour. [Wing: I mean, seriously, she’s not wrong!] Mel finds a lovely jade green dress with spaghetti straps. I wonder who decided on the name spaghetti straps? Like who decided ooh yes lets name these types of straps after pasta, delicious pasta.

Izzy deems the green dress boring and convinces Melissa to try on both the red and the green, [Wing: Because it’s suddenly Christmas?] Melissa heads into the changing room and bumps into Laurel and Betsy, they tell her not to waste her money on a dress because she is sure to lose the Homecoming Queen crown. [Wing: But she still needs a dress for the dance. Which I know is not the point, but.]

Laurel then says she is buying the best dress in the shop a sparkly silver little number. I mean it sounds very tacky, sequins? Silver? So basic. [Wing: But probably popular for Homecoming in the 90s. Homecoming is more casual than Prom, though still formal, and a little sparkly silver dress was very in.] Izzy checks on Melissa and sees Laurel and Betsy being their usual awful selves so she decided to mess with Laurel and tells her that Seth is taking Melissa out twice and will take her to Homecoming. [Wing: Izzy, slow your fucking roll! You are trying way too hard, making your friend uncomfortable, and only encouraging Laurel and Betsy to increase their assholery.] Melissa inwardly cringes because Seth hasn’t asked her Homecoming or even mentioned it. Laurel tells Melissa to Stay Away From Seth but Melissa quietly states that Laurel and Seth are over and Laurel cant tell her who she can or cant date. Yes Melissa, tell that bitch! Laurel tells Melissa to watch her back, there are two weeks till homecoming and anything could happen between now and then. Laurel needs to seriously chill.

Mel buys the green dress, Izzy keeps complimenting her but Melissa is really pissed off with Izzy and is ignoring her. [Wing: Understandably! Well, the being annoyed, ignoring her rather than asking for a time out to calm down is shitty.] Izzy pleads with Melissa to talk to her and Melissa tells her that she’s mad because Izzy blabbed all about her and Seth making Laurel even angrier than usual, Melissa is worried about what Laurel will do over the next two weeks. [Wing: Yes! Melissa is on top of this shit. I love when the characters make sense! And, to be fair, Izzy also makes sense! She’s worried about her friend, wants to hype her up, tries to get the other two to step the fuck off, etc. She just went about it poorly.] Izzy counters that Laurel was going to find out eventually, which yes is true but Melissa didn’t want her to find out so soon, her and Seth have barely started dating and it was her news to tell as and when she chose to.

Melissa asks why Izzy hates Laurel so much, I mean Laurel has been nothing but vile since the start of the book so I’m not sure we need a reason [Wing: True, but it does seem a little personal when it comes to Izzy’s reactions.] but here we go: Celeste tells the reason, a couple years ago Izzy had a huge crush on this boy named David Wilson, Laurel found out about the crush and started pretending to be David and sending notes to Izzy, Izzy was so happy and worked up the courage to tell David how she felt about him, David laughed in her face then told all his friends who also laughed at her and she was humiliated in front of the whole school.

Damn, that’s so cruel, I can understand the blood feud. I wish for awful things for Laurel. [Wing: Fucking hell, she’s a goddamn menace. Fuck off into the sea, Laurel.]

Izzy says it was humiliating and mean. Melissa feels awful for Izzy and understands that it still affects her. Izzy says she will get even with Laurel one day, somehow. Celeste tries to lighten the mood suggesting that they carry on shopping, Melissa links Izzy’s arm to show her she’s not mad anymore and agrees but only if they get a sugar fix first.

In the candy store Izzy has an idea for more homecoming votes to buy sliver wrapped chocolates called chocolate kisses and put bits of paper in them saying ‘A Kiss From Your Queen’, Celeste adds to it saying they could also get little sherbet sweets with Queen Melissa on them and they could hand them all out at school. [Wing: I mean, these are super cute ideas, but, uh, you could also use this money to literally buy votes for her? Like, actual votes, not just campaigning and hoping more money is then spent on votes.]

Mel loves this idea, they buy their candy and bump into Faith and Tia. Faith reminds Melissa that the party she’s been invited to starts at 8 and she’ll give Mel the directions at school tomorrow. As soon as Tia and Faith leave Izzy pounces on Melissa asking about the party and when did Melissa become so friendly with Faith and Tia. Melissa is confused and asks why she can’t have other friends? [Wing: This is a good point.]

Izzy says that Faith and Tia are just gossipy airheads, Mel defends them saying that are really nice and it’s just one party, Izzy asks when it is and Melissa says it the Friday after next, Izzy says that’s their movie marathon night but Melissa says that it wasn’t a definite plan, plus they have movie marathons all the time. [Wing: I said it before, and I’ll say it again: I love how neither of them are 100% right or wrong. Izzy is being jealous and demanding, but Melissa is kind of being a dick and blowing off her friends.] Melissa really wants to go to the party, if she said no Faith might not ask her again, plus this is a chance for her to extend her social circle, she’s tired of being the shy wallflower and wants to experience parties and new friends. Izzy accuses Melissa of changing for the worst and only caring about boys, parties and being Homecoming Queen.

I mean Izzy you’re the one who pushed her into running for Queen And pushed her into going out with Seth. [Wing: Also true!]

Melissa is upset and tries to reason with Izzy but Izzy says she doesn’t like her any more and storms off. [Wing: Oh come on, Izzy, that’s really too dramatic and a really terrible way to handle an argument with a friend. I still love their friendship, though. Still feels real.] Melissa wants to go after her but Celeste tells her to let Izzy cool off and to let Celeste talk to her. Celeste goes after Izzy leaving Melissa alone feeling like she doesn’t have any friends at all. [Wing: Understandable, though Celeste going after her also makes sense.]

Melissa hits the gym, it’s a super high tech cool gym in town, she started going after summer camp and really enjoys it so she keeps it up as often as she can. Her workout isn’t going well she keeps thinking about her fight with Izzy and cant get into her groove. Melissa decides that she will cancel the party and have the movie night, just because she wants to expand her social circle doesn’t mean she wants to ditch Izzy and Celeste, she wants to be friends with everyone. [Wing: Which is good!]

Just as she starts to hit her stride on the exercise bike, Faith arrives and comes over to chat, neither knew they were a member of the gym and they decide to get a fruit smoothie together. Melissa tells Faith she cant make the party and why, Faith tells Melissa to bring Izzy and Celeste along, she’s really sweet and chill, I like Faith. [Wing: I want this friendship group to expand and continue to be fun and supportive and funny together.]

Faith then grills Melissa about Seth and Melissa confesses that he’s taking her out this week, Faith is really happy for Melissa but warns her that Laurel is super possessive and to watch her back. Melissa is really happy and enjoying the conversation until they both see Laurel working out looking like a supermodel and Zach is there too. They both glare at Melissa. Faith tells her to ignore them then sets off to go on a sun bed, Mel tells her they aren’t good for the skin but Faith swears its only one time to prolong her summer tan. [Wing: Oh honey, no. Tanning bad (though fun), and also, I see this going in a terrible direction.]

In a better mood Melissa gets back into her workout. Heading to an aerobics class she sees Zach lifting weights and Laurel on the stair master, but strangely Betsy isn’t around. Hmmm. Interesting. Melissa is enjoying the aerobics class when she hears a terrible scream. She immediately recognises Faith’s voice. Melissa runs to the tanning area, there is a crowd of people and she can’t see what’s happening.

Melissa asks a bystander what happened and they tell her that one of the tanning beds malfunctioned and a girl got really burned. Melissa realises Faith was the girl. The ambulance arrive sand Melissa sees Faith on the gurney she’s is very, very pale and unconscious she looks dead. Melissa asks the EMT if she will be ok, he replies that she has been severely burned and needs urgent medical attention. Not really answering the question there, dude. [Wing: He’s really telling her more than he should anyway, though.]

The ambulance speeds off. Melissa turns around and Laurel and Zach are standing there like two ghouls. Laurel says that her comment this afternoon about anything happening was true, is that a confession there Lau? Zach wonders if Faith will be ok for the dance, Melissa says they will have to wait for Faith to wake up, Zach says that Faith could die first. Jeez what is with these two? So creepy and weird and so red herringish.

Melissa quickly showers, changes and heads out. On her way out she bumps into Izzy. Izzy claims that she was going to join the gym but Melissa is immediately suspicious, Izzy has a really high metabolism and eats whatever she wants without putting on a pound. Lucky Izzy.

Izzy confesses she felt bad about their fight and asked Melissa’s mum where she could find her. Izzy says it was super selfish of her to be upset that Melissa wanted to go to the party, Melissa says that it was rude of her not to take their plans into consideration and she’s going to have the movie marathon with Izzy and Celeste. Izzy says that Mel should go to the party and have fun but Melissa says there probably won’t be  party and tells Izzy what happened, Izzy is shocked.

Melissa feels awful for Faith and tells Izzy how nice and sweet she is and how she told Melissa to invite Izzy and Celeste to the party too. Izzy’s shocked face seems to morph into guilty, Melissa asks her what’s wrong and Izzy says she’s just shocked and feels terrible for misjudging Faith earlier and calling her an airhead. Melissa says she’s going to call the hospital when she gets home to check on Faith and both girls say they hope she pulls through. 

The next day Melissa got to school early, she couldn’t get any information from the hospital and when she tried calling, The the line was busy. At school everyone is talking about the accident, the rumour is that Faith passed away, jeez that’s grim. [Wing: God, high school gossip chains are brutal.]

Seeing Tia, Melissa rushes towards her, Tia is very distraught and starts crying when she sees Melissa. Mel asks after Faith, and Tia says that she is in serious condition, she has third degree burns all over her body and is being air lifted to New York for skin grafts, its going to take a long time for her to recover. Damn. That’s awful and terrifying, I might never go on a sunbed again. Reminds me or I Know What You Did Last Summer 2, or one of those Final Destination flicks.

Melissa takes Tia to get some breakfast (This school serves breakfast? [Wing: Not uncommon! School starts early, and often things like milk, cereal, fruit, maybe egg sandwiches, etc., will be available for purchase.]) Everyone swarms Tia and a bunch of her drama club friends sort of take over, Tia makes a point of thanking Melissa for listening. I like Tia and Faith. I don’t want anything to happen to either of them.

Melissa sees Celeste in the French toast line (They have food specific queues!? [Wing: Also not uncommon. There can be different food stations, for lunch, too. Pizza line, burger line, whatever.]) Celeste says she heard about Faith, Melissa tells her how serious Faith’s condition is, Celeste says this means there is one less girl running for Homecoming Queen, wow Celeste that’s insensitive. Melissa hadn’t even thought of that but Celeste points out that someone did and points to the Homecoming Board which displayed the names of the girls on the court, a girl, Kimberly, rubs out Faith’s name. Wow, gross. [Wing: Goddamn, that was quick.]

The rest of the week passes by without incident. [Wing: This whole Homecoming voting period is really dragging on. Much longer than I would have expected. I know it’s mostly about giving the story time to breathe, which is good, but in-universe, I’m going to go with the idea that they’re making this a big deal because it’s the first time in twenty-five years. Which is actually a really terrible idea considering that whole death thing that, er, killed Homecoming last time.] Her cookies and sweets are a huge hit with the voting public, and before Melissa knows it, it’s Friday and time for her rollerblading date with Seth.

She is standing in front of her wardrobe trying to decide what to wear, Seth is due in 15 minutes and she cannot decide on an outfit. [Wing: Good god, she’s cutting it close.] Izzy calls and correctly guesses Melissa is having a fashion crisis, Izzy immediately goes into to stylist mode and suggest the absolute perfect outfit for the date, based on some amazing encyclopaedic knowledge of Melissa’s wardrobe. [Wing: Izzy knows Melissa’s wardrobe better than I have ever known my own. That’s talent!] Dammit I need an Izzy in my life.

Izzy tells Mel to go for the all American girl look and she can look drop dead gorgeous at Homecoming. [Wing: Er, isn’t this about the date outfit and not Homecoming? You keep leaping ahead, Izzy.] Mel says Seth hasn’t asked her, Izzy tell Melissa to ask him instead, it is the 90s! Yes Izzy! Izzy says she might see Melissa at the park as her Nature Club is planting a butterfly garden. Melissa asks if Celeste is going but she is going to an open house at Westdale University. Melissa says she will keep an eye out for Izzy.

Seth turns up and loves her outfit. Well done Izzy. They head to the park and get geared up in their boots and knee guards. [Wing: Adorable.] They flirt as they blade through the park. They stop near the water fountain and Seth asks if Melissa is going to Homecoming, Melissa tries to stay neutral as she answers that she will have to go because she’s on the Homecoming Queen court, Seth asks if she is going with anyone and Melissa says no, Seth asks if she will go with him, Melissa says yes and kisses him. [Wing: I am so charmed!] Then they have a race to the lake, the loser has to kiss the winner. Melissa is letting Seth win when she turns the corner and realises Seth has stopped, the path to the lake is blocked off, a ranger is standing guard making sure no one goes down the path, Seth asks what’s wrong, the ranger says there is an unusually high number of bee hives in the trees and they are smoking them out, a lot of people have been stung recently leading to complaints. [Wing: Uh, yeah, I can imagine that led to complaints!]

Mel and Seth agree they’d rather not get stung. Laurel and Betsy randomly appear and tease Melissa about being scared of bees, Melissa is like yeah I don’t want to get stung? How is that a failing? Betsy and Laurel are just idiots. Betsy says they should head to the other end of the lake and they leave. Melissa can’t believe they didn’t try to ruin her date. Neither can I.

Her and Seth head to the lake but on the way they see Laurel lying on the ground with Betsey kneeling next to her, Seth asks if they are ok, Laurel claims she fell and twisted her ankle, she’s crying and claims she can’t walk. Betsy and Laurel manipulate Seth into driving them to Laurel’s house claiming they walked to the park. Seth picks up Laurel and suddenly Laurel’s tears stop and she throws a nasty smile at Melissa, she’s faking the injury. Betsy says Mel will have to walk home as Laurel will need to keep her leg elevated in the back seat and she will have to sit in the front seat. Melissa is stuck if she says Laurel is faking or complains about walking home she will look jealous and petty. Reluctantly she says its fine. Seth says he will call Melissa later and leaves with Laurel and Betsy. Melissa wonders if he will call and realises that Laurel did actually ruin her date.

The next day Melissa is taking Celeste and Izzy to the cinemas to see The Strangler. Mel hates horror films but this is her way of making it up to her friends for slacking on their friendships lately. [Wing: Sweet, I guess, but forcing your friends to watch something they hate isn’t really being a good friend either.] Celeste is super impatient, she cannot wait to see this film, its in 3D so they will see the strangler’s hands coming out of the screen towards them.

Izzy is furious on Melissa’s behalf thanks to Laurel’s little stunt at the park. Celeste chimes in that she saw Laurel at the mall that afternoon and she wasn’t even limping. Izzy asks if Seth called but he didn’t. Oh Seth, I’m disappointed. Izzy is sure that Seth will call soon.

Celeste asks what everyone did that day, Izzy found an amazing slip dress for only ten dollars that she’s going to wear to homecoming and Mel just waited for Seth not to call. [Wing: Oh honey, no, don’t do that. Even if he did call, sitting around and waiting on his call rather than doing something, anything, else isn’t good for you.] Izzy is adamant he will call but Melissa is second guessing everything. They finally get their tickets and snacks but the theatre is jam packed, they cant find three seats together so they have to split up. [Wing: Oh, the days before you could select your seats when you purchased your tickets rather than getting to the theater early to snag the seats you want. I’m far more likely to go to the movies when I can choose my seat.] Melissa snags a seat on the balcony. American cinemas have balconies? What? I have never been to a cinema with a balcony ever in my life. [Wing: Some, but it’s not super common. Often it’s a cinema that used to be a different type of performance space that has them.] Melissa settles in with her popcorn but she doesn’t like sitting by herself, she wishes Seth was with her. I’m side eying Seth hard right now, How do you not call Seth? Huh? Where you at? If you’re back with Laurel then you deserve her to go full Fatal Attraction on your ass.

The film is creeping Melissa out and the main character is also called Melissa. 

Ok so I only just this moment realised that at some point about 9 pages back I started calling Melissa Melanie, I only realised because of the movie within the book’s character name. I just went through the recap and I think I got them all but just in case a Melanie might have slipped through here or there I do apologise. 

Ok so back to the recap MeLISSA is getting creeped out every time they mention her name on the screen, the character gets attacked by the strangler and the 3D hands come out of screen, Melissa feels like she can’t breathe, she feels like the hands are choking her, she realises that hands are choking her, a voice whispers in her ear ‘Its time to die!’ Melissa screams and fights the hands off her throat, scratching and pulling, the lights come on and she spins around, a blonde haired guy is sitting behind her red faced, Melissa yells ‘ What the hell is your problem!?’ and he apologises claiming he thought she was his girlfriend.

Dude! What the Hell!? [Wing: SERIOUSLY! Not cool.]

He claims it was a prank, some effing prank, he squeezed hard enough to hurt her, Izzy and Celeste come running over and yell at the guy, the guy goes to sit with his girlfriend who gives him a nasty look, honey? Dump his ass. Melissa is rubbing her sore throat. I would absolutely kick that idiots ass.

The lights go down again and the film starts up but Melissa wants to home, there’s no way she can sit through the film, the girls want to go with her but she wants them to stay and enjoy the film. Not sure how that’s going to happen.

Melissa heads home and turns on every light in her house, locks every door and window and checks every room and closet, the film and creepy guy freaked her out. Where are her parents? Why is she always alone? Oh apparently her parents are ‘out’ and won’t be back until after midnight. Well, it is a Point Horror book.

When she is confident the house is fully lit, locked up and safe she sits down with a book, she’s barely started to read when the phone goes, thinking it couldn’t be Celeste or Izzy because the movie is still ongoing Melissa thinks Seth is finally ringing her, she eagerly grabs the phone but there is just silence on the end of the line, she asks who is calling but no one answers, she’s about to hang up when someone whispers her name. Melissa asks who is calling but the voice just whispers her name again then tells her she’s been bad like Faith and needs to be punished just like Faith. Melissa again asks who is calling her the voice says ‘It’s Brenda Sheldon’ then the line goes dead.

The next evening Melissa calls Izzy and tells her about the creepy call, Izzy is sure it’s Laurel, it’s the type of thing Laurel would do. Melissa wonders if it is Laurel but Izzy says there’s no way its Brenda Sheldon’s ghost. Melissa secretly wonders if there is a paranormal explanation.

Melissa confesses to Izzy that as much as she’s enjoyed everything so far she wants to quit the homecoming race, Izzy is adamant that she can’t drop out and that its exactly what Laurel wants. Izzy pleads with Melissa to stick with it and that nothing will happen to her. Melissa agrees, for now, to stick with it. Izzy asks if Seth called and he did, he’d been out of town for his Grandad’s 75th birthday, Izzy is very happy and pleased at being right. [Wing: I’m skeptical.] They hang up and Melissa sets the table, her parents would be back soon with pizza. There is a knock at the door, it’s a delivery of flowers. Thinking it could be from Seth she quickly opens the box, instead it’s a bunch of dead roses tied with a black ribbon with a little poem 

Roses are red
Violets are blue
These flowers are dead
And soon you will be too.

I’m always amazed how much mileage people get out of this poem. Do you think the person who made it up knew how many times it would be changed and bastardised? Wait who did make it up? Hang on let me check google.

The origins of the poem can be traced as far back to 1590 by Sir Edmund Spense and later in 1784 made famous by Gammer Gurton’s Garland: The rose is red, the violet’s blue, The honey’s sweet, and so are you.

Oooh well look at that. That poem has been around a long ass time. Hey Sir Edmund? Did you ever think it would turn up in a Point Horror book? Or rather multiple Point Horror books? Oh, of course you did.

Back to the recap. [Wing: Love the history of the poem.]

It’s nighttime and Izzy is taking Melissa to the cemetery to see Brenda Sheldon’s grave. [Wing: This certainly escalated quickly.] There is, unfortunately, no description of Izzy’s ensemble so I can only imagine it is a ghost hunting outfit fit for a queen. Melissa is cold and doesn’t understand why they couldn’t come to see the grave in the day time, me too ‘Liss. Melissa wishes she had stayed home with Celeste.

After getting the dead flowers her parents came home and called the police, wow proactive parents? In a Point Horror book? The police came round but think it’s a prank and tell her not to worry, ah yes back to normal Point Horror authority figure inadequacy. Melissa knows its not a prank and is super creeped out.

As they walk through the cemetery the shadows create eerie shapes making Melissa even more uneasy. Mel tells Izzy she really wants to go home, it’s cold, it looks like it’s going to rain and it’s hella creepy.

At that moment Izzy finds Brenda’s grave stone, Melissa reads the inscription which is just Brenda’s name, DOB and DOD. Aw that’s sad. Izzy’s flashlight…in the UK we call it a torch, can I call it a torch? Flashlight is a little too close to fleshlight for me. [Wing: CACKLING.] Melissa panics and asks why she turned it off, Izzy says she’s trying to save the batteries and heads towards the gravestone.

Melissa follows, the stone is weathered and cracked, its surrounded by overgrown weeds, it has been completely neglected. Melissa tells Izzy it feels like Brenda has been forgotten. Melissa is glad she thought to bring flowers. She lays the flowers down and turns to Izzy to ask for help pulling up the weeds, Izzy doesn’t answer, Melissa turns around, Izzy is nowhere to be found. Melissa calls out for Izzy but there is no reply.

Thinking Izzy is trying to scare her Melissa calls out again telling Izzy to stop messing about. The sky cracks and it starts raining, Melissa realises she needs to find shelter and fast, she turns to put the flowers on the grave when a flash of lightening illuminates the sky and the decomposing hand coming out of the grave. Melissa screams and the hand grabs her wrist pulling her to the open grave, Melissa tries to get away but Brenda pulls herself from the grave still holding onto Melissa, as Melissa screams for help the other graves start erupting in decomposed bodies all pulling themselves out of their graves trying to grab Melissa.

Then Melissa wakes up with a scream. It was all a nightmare, damn, I love zombies.

[Wing: You know, Hall has pleased me enough that I’m not even upset about the fake out.]

Mel checks the time. It’s 2:15, she is soaked in sweat, she changes her t shirt and grabs a glass of water then she stands outside her parent’s bedroom letting the sounds of their slumber calm her down. [Wing: …creeper.] She knows she is safe in her home and it was just a bad dream.

The next morning her mum knocks her awake for the third time telling her she’s going to be late. Melissa gets up and quickly gets ready for school skipping breakfast as she runs out of the door. Getting to school her first class is gym, Melissa quickly gets changed and doesn’t even bother to lock her locker. Heading into the gym Melissa lined up near Tia, they have to do push ups and sit ups then play volley ball. Melissa hates volleyball, so does Tia, they end up on a team with Betsy who is beyond competitive, every time Melissa makes a mistake Betsy is all over her berating her. I wish the zombies went after Betsy, just ate her whole damn head.

Tia doesn’t understand why Betsy has to be so competitive and can’t just enjoy the moment and have fun. Tia you’re so sweet. I’m worried about you.

They finish gym class and head to the changing room. Melissa hits the showers and on her way into the locker room bumps into Laurel who has gym next period. Melissa is drying off while Laurel questions her about this week’s rankings. 

Wait so do they find out each week where they stand in the race? I thought they just found out the night of? This seems very complicated and drawn out. And super time consuming. Do they spend all their time campaigning? What about homework? Schoolwork? [Wing: I had the same thought earlier, but I think I worked out that it’s all about the money (money money).] Look I love crowns just as much as the next person (provided that person is The Queen, RIP Lizzie) its been well documented how much I love crowns but this seems like a lot right? Like this is a lot of time and energy, when I was in school between schoolwork, homework, sports, drama lessons and being a prefect- 

(Don’t look at me like that, they made me a prefect to improve my behaviour but I just went mad with power, I thought I could fire teachers and expel students, it turns out that being a prefect does not in fact put you in charge of HR nor can you refer to staff by their first names, they tried to take my badge but I stole another prefects badge and gave it to them and kept mine, I’ve still got it THEY CAN TAKE MY TITLE BUT THEY CAN NEVER TAKE ME FREEDOM ER BADGE!! But we live and learn. [Wing: I am cackling over this bit of backstory. A++])

Well between all that if I had to campaign weekly? When would I watch Stargate SG1? Or Law and Order SVU? Or The X Files? No thank you.

So while Laurel is giving Melissa a hard time Melissa is drying off and could not care less, she’s like ok Laurel you do you, which I find it the best way to deal with idiotic gremlins like Laurel. Tia comes in and asks Melissa if she can borrow her psychology textbook, Melissa tells her to go ahead and that she left her locker unlocked, [Wing: But why?] Tia heads off and Laurel starts acting all friendly asking how Melissa’s weekend was, Melissa wonders if she is referring to the dead flowers when she hears a scream, turning around she see Tia standing in front of her locker being attacked by a huge swarm of bees! Nooooooooo not Tia! Dammit!

Everyone is screaming but no one is helping as they are too afraid of getting stung, the gym teacher comes running in, she slams the locker short and gets Tia out of the way. Tia’s face is stung and swollen the teacher rushes her to first aid. Melissa immediately turns on Laurel accusing her of putting the bees nest in her locker as Laurel was in the locker room alone, Betsey immediately jumps to Laurel’s defence and accuses Melissa of putting the nest in her own locker and then manipulating Tia into opening her locker. Melissa says that makes no sense she had no idea Tia wanted to borrow a text book and the bees were clearly aimed at her not Tia but Betsy said she will make sure the whole school thinks Melissa did it to win homecoming.

When Melissa heads to lunch later that day everyone is staring at her not one person smiled at her, Betsy and Laurels rumour had worked, everyone thought Melissa put bees in her own locker in an attempt to hurt Tia. [Wing: The people in this school are idiots.] Melissa wants to run and hide but holds her head up high and tries to find one friendly face, a couple of girls make eye contact with her and give a small smile so she knows at least some people in the school have a brain and critical thinking skills. [Wing: Okay, everyone but these few people are idiots.]

Finally she finds Izzy who immediately checks if she is ok and asks about Tia, Izzy doesn’t believe Melissa did it and neither does Celeste or Seth who is waiting for her. They all sit down to have lunch and wonder who could have done it. Melissa points out that every time there has been some sort of ‘accident’ like the sandbag, the sunbed, the bees (THE BEES NOT THE BEES!! Sorry I went all Nick Cage there for a minute) Laurel was there, she is the common denominator, Celeste points out that Zach was hanging the girls locker room, ew gross.

Celeste says that people are starting to really think it’s Brenda Sheldon back from the dead, Seth dismisses the paranormal and they toss a few ideas around, Zach has also been near every accident could he be doing it so Betsy would win? Kimberly, who apparently is the board girl, writes this week’s results on the blackboard, Melissa is still, somehow, in the lead, Betsy is second, Laurel third and Tia fourth, damn Tia gets all My Girl Thomas Jay’d and she’s still in last place? What happened to the sympathy vote?

Izzy, Celeste and Seth (Who is in first place for Homecoming King) are excited for Melissa but she is really scared, those bees were clearly meant for her not Tia, what if the terrible twins decide to pull another ‘accident’ and she gets hurt like Faith and Tia, Seth tells Melissa he won’t let anything happen to her but Melissa still can’t shake the feeling that she is next. 

It’s Saturday and Seth has taken Melissa to the county fair, they are having a good time and Seth wins Melissa a stuffed teddy bear that she promptly names Ted. That’s original. They talk about how the week has been uneventful since the Bees Nest and pretty much everyone thinks Laurel and Betsy made up the rumour that Melissa intentionally put the nest in her own locker and everyone was being nice to her again, but that moment in the lunch hall when she felt like an outcast is still playing on her mind and she wishes she was unpopular again so she could make mistakes without having a spotlight shone on her. [Wing: Oh, poor girl.]

Seth give Melissa his letterman jacket and tells her to keep it, Melissa is so excited. Is this a thing? Why would she want his sports jacket? Isn’t it sweaty? Does she have to give him one of her jackets? Would her jacket fit him? Would he even wear it? Well I suppose depending on the jacket he might, right? Like if it was a really cool leather bomber or an over sized denim? I guess this makes them official? Or at least at the clothes sharing portion of their relationship which generally doesn’t happen until after you live together but rock on kids. [Wing: Ahahahahahaha, I am dying. A boy giving his girl his letter jacket at least used to be a common thing, a sign they were a couple. (Same with their class ring.) (Actually, for guys playing sports, they also gave one of their jerseys to their girls to wear to games.) I had a class ring or two in my time, but I had my own letter jacket. (Basically, you could letter in a variety of different things. Different types of sports, band, etc. You wore your letters on your jacket (they were embroidered on by a local company) along with other award patches or medals, etc.)]

They have an amazing night and share a perfect kiss in the Tunnel Of Love. [Wing: This is fucking adorable and cheesy as hell, too.] Their evening isn’t even spoiled when they bump into Zach, Betsy and Laurel. When Laurel sees Melissa wearing Seth’s jacket her eyes nearly pop out of her head but she storms off without a word. Seth convinces Melissa to go into the Haunted Heads, they manage to grab the last two tickets. Melissa really doesn’t want to go but she doesn’t want Seth to know she’s scared. They head in and it’s a creepy old house with animatronic ghosts, skeletons popping up out of coffins and fake rats. Seth thinks its kind of dumb but Melissa is scared. I love it.

They go upstairs and a recording starts saying ‘The Phantoms going to get you’ Melissa really wants to leave, Seth walks ahead then seems to disappear. Melissa can’t find him and is worried he left her on purpose. Melissa searches for Seth and passes some funky mirrors, as she looks into the mirrors she sees a figure behind her, a hooded figure. Melissa turns around and the figure raises an axe, Melissa asks what they want and the figure replies they want to kill her. They swing the axe, Melissa jumps out the way and the axe crashes into the mirror and glass falls all around her, the figure picks up the axe and brings it down hard, Melissa rolls out of the way but the figure chops off Ted’s head!

Wow, so rude, what did Ted ever do to you? Asshole.

The figure picks up Ted’s head and waves it at Mel.

Melissa screams and starts running. She manages to get to the door but it won’t open, Melissa screams and bangs on the door, the figure gets closer but suddenly there is a clicking sound and the door spins around putting Melissa into another room with the phantom still in the original room.

Melissa hears the phantom scream in rage and pound on the door, she starts running, sees a staircase and heads down it to the front door she runs out straight into Seth’s arms.

Seth apparently leaned on a wall and it flipped him down a laundry shoot onto a foam mattress, he’s been waiting for Mel for 15 minutes. [Wing: This is quite the funhouse.]

Melissa bursts into tears and tells Seth what happened but he thinks she just got scared and forgot that it was an actor in a costume who was paid to scare her, not an actual killer in disguise. Melissa tries to tell Seth it was real but he thinks she just over reacted. Seth don’t tell her she over reacted, given the events of the last couple of weeks you can give her the benefit if the doubt you potato. [Wing: Seriously!] Seth offers to go in and search but Melissa just wants to go home. As they leave Melissa looks back at the haunted house, in a window she sees a curtain move but forces herself to look away. On the drive home Melissa keeps thinking about what happened and how once again Laurel, Zach and Betsy were in the vicinity.

Later that night Melissa is finally settled enough to sleep when her phone rings, she answers quickly not wanting to wake her parents. At first there is no sound then the phantom’s voice comes through the phone saying that Melissa nearly lost her head tonight and a headless queen can’t wear a crown.

[Wing: This is kind of delightfully creepy.]

It’s Monday the final day of voting, thank God, this is way too time consuming. [Wing: Odd to me that the voting ends on Monday, and also that they’re not announcing the winner at the dance. Or if they are, why is Melissa so nervous now?] Melissa is too nervous to even eat breakfast, she messes up a quiz in history and nearly drops a beaker in science, she is a mess.

Finally it’s lunch time and Melissa is glad that by the end of lunch she will know the results. Izzy is super excited and convinced Mel is going to win, Celeste is more balanced and trying to remain calm saying that they shouldn’t celebrate just yet.

Izzy and Celeste want to know all about the funfair date, Melissa hasn’t had a chance to speak to her friends over the weekend, she did end up making a police report and it was confirmed that a hooded figure with an axe was not part of the haunted house. [Wing: Damn, girl, I’m impressed that you actually filed a report. ACAB, but it takes bravery to actually pursue something when people you care about (ahem) think you are overreacting.] I would suggest that poor Ted getting decapitated should be proof enough. However in usual Point Horror style the police think its all a prank and nothing to worry about. Melissa’s parents agreed with the police. Why do the adults always suck in these books?

Mel says the date was fine, the girls push for more details, Melissa admits they kissed but Izzy shushes them as the results are about to be announced, There is a lot of excitement, Kimberly calls the three homecoming princess up to the front of the cafeteria. Kimberly announces that….Betsy won, Betsy? BETSY? Frikking Betsy? The human equivalent of a toilet brush won? Oh Sod Off! This a total fix! Absolute farce. 

Melissa is disappointed, deep down a part of her had really been hoping she would win but at least now her life would get back to normal. She looks into the crowd and sees Celeste totally sympathetic but Izzy is nowhere to be found.

After the last class Melissa has to go with the others to practise for the ceremony, why do they need to practise I thought the just popped a crown on your head. I don’t need to practise that, my head is very, very crown suitable. [Wing: I am here for your crown adoration! Now, if they hadn’t already announced the winner, they’d be practicing a ceremony a little like a beauty pageant or something. They all line up on stage, someone wins, comes forward for their crown, etc. Now that they already know the winner, I don’t know why any of the others have to be involved anyway.

Melissa doesn’t want to be around Betsy as she knows Betsy is going to gloat and sure enough the pinhead can’t help but tell Mel what a loser she is and how this should be a lesson never to try to compete with Betsy for anything ever again. Laurel helps Betsy put on her robe and Mel feels a pang of jealousy.

Seth arrives and tries to cheer her up, he offers to take her to a movie but Mel wants to be alone, Seth doesn’t seem offended by it but he definitely is, Melissa grabs his arm and explains that she loves hanging out with him but right now she’s just really feeling sorry for herself and wants to mope, Seth tells her he doesn’t care if she is homecoming queen or not as she is his number one and this homecoming stuff doesn’t really matter. This helps Melissa realise this stuff doesn’t matter as much as she thought it did.

The practise goes on for over an hour and poor Melissa has to put the crown on Betsy’s head because she came second. [Wing: Goddamn, that’s cold.] Melissa is trying to be a good sport but by the fifth time she crowns Betsy she is ready to smash her over the head with it. They have two more rehearsals (seriously wtf?) and Tia will be back in school soon so they will need another one then. [Wing: I could buy expanding the voting period to encourage more fundraising, but this is fucking bullshit and is being forced only so that Hall can drag this out. Fix that pacing, Hall. I expect better of you after the book so far!]

Seth offers Melissa a ride home, Melissa accepts she just needs to grab her jacket and books from her locker and will meet Seth in the parking lot.

At her locker Izzy comes out of her recycling club and apologises for bailing at lunch, she just couldn’t bear to see Betsy gloat. Melissa says its fine and to forget about it but Izzy is furious and blames herself for Melissa losing, Izzy punches a locker, Melissa tells her it’s over and to move on but Izzy says she is going to make Betsy regret winning [Wing: Goddamn, Izzy, chill.] she then takes off, Mel tries to follow her but loses sight of her, instead she sees Celeste coming up the stairs.

Why are there so many students still at school? I was always the first one out! [Wing: After school activities! Clubs and sports and band, and I personally had newspaper work after the end of the school day a lot of times.]

Melissa asks Celeste if she’s seen Izzy but Celeste hasn’t, Melissa relays the conversation her and Izzy just had and she worried Izzy might do something to Betsy. Celeste swears Melanie to secrecy and confesses she thinks Izzy is behind the accidents, Celeste hates herself for even thinking that but she found a newspaper clipping from the school paper, it had a photo of each girl running for homecoming and each pic had been crossed out with a red X. Celeste said it fell out of Izzy’s history book at lunch. Melissa says it doesn’t prove anything but Celeste thinks that because Izzy hates Betsy and Laurel so much she must be behind everything and now that Betsy won she’s must be going crazy. No Celeste! You were doing so well!

Melissa doesn’t want to believe that of her best friend but Celeste points out that Izzy got really jealous when Melissa made friends with Faith and Tia and maybe she tried to get even with them? Melissa thinks about it, Izzy was at the gym the same time Faith got burnt and seemed to be acting guilty. Melissa asks why Izzy would put bees in her locker and how? Her gym class was right after Melissa’s and where would she even have gotten the bees? Then Melissa remembers Izzy was at the park when she was.

Celeste is convinced Izzy is behind everything. [Wing: Goddamn, Celeste, I thought she was your friend. You’re acting real damn sketchy right now.] Melissa really doesn’t want to think her friend is capable of such horrible acts but it all makes sense. Celeste asks Mel what they are going to do, Melissa says she doesn’t know but will think, she has to run as she’s meeting Seth and is going to the laundromat with her mum (their washing machine is broken) after dinner.

Melissa heads out to the parking lot she can hear two people arguing, she recognises the voices as Betsy and Zach. Melissa doesn’t want to be seen so hides behind a wall, Betsy is breaking up with Zach! What? This is unexpected! Zach is saying Betsy cant break up with him because of everything he did to make her homecoming queen…interesting, did Zach fiddle with the ballot? My gut says YES! Zach grabs Betsy telling her she will regret it, Betsy pulls out of his grasp and runs away, Zach gets into his car and follows her. Melissa hurries to Seth’s car thinking about what Zach said what exactly did he do? Just how far did he go?

This seems like such a sudden break up, apparently these two have been together forever? Who will Betsy take to the dance, it’s in a few days? Omg do we think she will ask..LAUREL TO BE HER DATE!?!? That would explain why neither of them were jealous of the other winning! [Wing: DO WANT.]

Melissa spends her evening studying and trying not to think of the conversation she overheard. I don’t know, I feel, given Zach’s history of controlling and abusive behaviour, she should let at least one trusted adult know? Then again given how her parents and the police reacted to her attempted murder maybe she realises it would be a waste of time.

Melissa is struggling to study, she has an exam the next day and is determined to ace it but her mind keeps wandering. Ordering a pizza she decides to quit while she is behind, she finishes her pizza, grabs some dirty laundry and heads to the laundromat with her psychology book thinking a change of scenery will help her study, her parents are at a bridge tournament and wont be back until 10pm. Wait I thought she was supposed to go to do laundry with her mum? Not a huge plot twist but a continuity mistake that bugs me. [Wing: Same! I went back to double check just in case I misunderstood, but nope. Damn it, Hall, don’t lose it at the end, you’ve been doing surprisingly well.]

The town is weirdly empty. It reminds Melissa of an alien invasion horror film where an alien is hiding in the back seat and just as the heroine gets to safety the alien pops up and eats her. [Wing: What horror movie is she talking about? She hates horror movies. However, that is a common trope. To this day, I check under the car before I get close and in the backseat before I get in.

As Mel is driving a large black sedan pulls out behind her and follows her very closely for ten minutes, the car pulls up beside her but she cant see anything due to the sedans tinted windows. The car finally veers off but Mel is left feeling creeped out; the car reminded her of a hearse. She gets to the laundrette at 8pm only an hour before closing, there are a few patrons folding up their clothes.

Melissa separates light from dark and by the time she has loaded up her machines she is completely alone in the laundrette. Ok this would creep me out more than anything, I don’t know why but Im so creeped out by late night laundrettes, they always look so ominous, I hated using them in uni I was convinced some knife wielding serial killer was hiding in the dryer waiting to jump out and kill me then hide my body in a washing machine. [Wing: Understandable fears! I also find laundromats creepy when they’re empty.] I digress.

Mel studies for a while then puts her clothes in the dryer, bored and thirsty she heads to the deli to get a drink and play a video game-ok see I don’t get this why would you leave your stuff? Anyone could steal your clothes! Melissa, realising the time, rushes back to the still empty laundrette she opens the dryer and grabs her clothes only she finds something sticky and stringy…pulling it out she is holding a severed head!

Screaming she drops it then hears laughter, Betsy and Laurel have pranked her. Looking at the ‘head’ its really just a mannequin covered in fake blood. Fuming Melissa has had enough she throws detergent over the front of Betsy’s denim jacket. Go Girl! These two are twisted, they must have been following her all night. Pair of cranks.

Grabbing her clothes Melissa storms out of the laundrette, she driven halfway home when she realises she has left her school books there, annoyed she turns around hoping the gruesome twosome have gone home. Fortunately when she gets back her books are where she left them and Betsy and Laurel have flew off on their broomsticks to torment someone else.

Turning to leave the lights start flickering before turning off completely. Melissa is completely in the dark she takes a step forward and another, she cant see anything, panicking she starts to rush then slips grabbing at the handle of a washer or dryer, the door pops open and she hears a thud, suddenly the lights pop back on and she sees Betsy hanging halfway out of the machine, her eyes closed, not moving. Melissa thinks it’s another creepy prank until she sees the note pinned to Betsey’s blouse it reads


Melissa realises this is no joke and Betsy is dead…..

Wow an actual murder. Nice! Maybe the killer can take out Laurel and Zach next.

The next day Melissa is with Izzy and Celeste at home baking. All classes had been cancelled due to Betsy’s death. Izzy wants all the details, Celeste doesn’t want to talk about it and Melissa wants to forget the whole thing. Celeste says that Homecoming is cancelled as it just wouldn’t be right with Betsy’s death to go ahead with a huge celebration, like yes that would be gross two girls injured one dead cancel the whole shitshow.

Izzy points out that just because the Queen is dead doesn’t mean they should cancel, technically Melissa came second so she should be queen now. [Wing: Damn, that’s cold.]

Melissa was stunned she hadn’t even thought about Homecoming, all she could think about was Betsy’s body and like yeah, obviously. Izzy still doesn’t understand why no one wants to talk about the murder, she says that there is a killer out there who might strike again. Melissa counters that maybe this was a one off, Betsy had a lot of enemies maybe she pissed off the wrong person. [Wing: I mean, two major injuries when the three of them have one major thing in common, seems like it just might be related…] Izzy wants names, Celeste says that Zach was pretty pissed off about the break up and the rumour is he killed her so no one else could have her.

Izzy takes a contact lens break leaving Melissa and Celeste alone. Celeste asks what it was like talking to the police Melissa tells her what she told the police including the fight she overheard between Betsy and Zach earlier that afternoon. Celeste asks if she mention Izzy to the police, Melissa says no but she has been thinking about what Celeste said mentions that Izzy was at the gym when Faith got burned and was at the park when the rangers were getting rid of the bees. Celeste asks if Melissa thinks Izzy killed Betsy, before she can answer Izzy repeats the question, she has overheard most of their conversation. [Wing: Of course she did.]

Izzy cannot believe they would suspect her, Melissa says that Izzy was determined to make Melissa win Homecoming queen and she hated Betsy. Izzy is really upset and angry, Melissa points out that Izzy said she was going to make Betsy regret ever running for Homecoming queen, Izzy says she was just going to pull a prank on her, that’s all. Izzy says it’s pointless even arguing as she can see Melissa and Celeste have made up their minds, she storms out telling them their friendship is over. [Wing: Poor girl, their doubt has to be rough.]

Aw man! I like Izzy I don’t even mind if she did kill Betsy, that bitch had it coming. [Wing: Ha! Cold.]

Celeste says she feels awful but she has to tell Melissa something, last night she called Izzy but Izzy’s mum said she was at the library. Celeste headed to the library to find her but Izzy wasn’t there either, Celeste even checked with the librarian but Izzy hadn’t been there all night, this means Izzy has no alibi….

Celeste it feels like you want Izzy to be guilty, like, you’re really pushing the Izzy angle here, feels sus.

After Celeste leaves and Melissa tidies up there’s a knock at the door, it’s Zach, Melissa tries to shut the door but he pushes his way inside. This isn’t going to help your defence, Zach. Zach is mad because Melissa told the police about the fight he had with Betsy, Zach says all her did was get his jock friends and their girlfriends to vote for Betsy. Melissa asks why Zach is at her house and Zach says that he wont forget that Melissa told the police real and true facts that actually  happened and he will get even with her. This guy is such a tool. [Wing: Angry white dudes are dangerous.]

Melissa is getting her hair and makeup done, she is the Official Homecoming Queen. There had been an announcement the day after Betsy died that Homecoming wasn’t cancelled and Melissa was the new Queen. [Wing: Well goddamn, that changed fast.Wow, the school must really need that cash.

Melissa was stunned and confused as were the rest of the students, they all gave her strange looks and she heard the whispers that whoever wore the crown would die next. The rest of the week the school was ablaze with whispers that the crown was cursed, Brenda Sheldon was back from the dead to kill any newly crowned queens, anyone who wore the crown would die etc there were also more cruel whispers Laurel and Zach were telling everyone that Melissa was behind the accidents and she killed Betsy. [Wing: Good grief, are we doing this again?]

The cruel whispers and taunts made her want to cry and hide, she realised that wanting to be popular and be homecoming queen was a waste of time when all that was really important was having proper friends like Izzy and Celeste. [Wing: Poor girl.]

Celeste had been the perfect friend always will to talk and listen but Izzy was avoiding her like the plague. Police were now looking for a drifter who disappeared the night Betsy was killed and Melissa felt guilty for so quickly suspecting her friend.

To be fair Celeste had a lot to do with making you suspicious Mel.

The hairstylist asks why Melissa is so sad, Melissa says she is upset she hurt a friend. As she pays she looks around the salon, a lot of people from school are there getting their hair and makeup done too but none of them acknowledge her and she feels like such an outsider. As she turns to leave Laurel walks in and loudly says that the only reason Melissa is queen is because Betsy is dead, Melissa walks out and bumps into Tia, Melissa is happy to see her but Tia gives her the cold shoulder, Laurel tells Melissa she isn’t wanted and Melissa can’t help but agree.

[Wing: Fucking hell, do people actually believe that she killed Betsy?]

The big moment has arrived they are all in place on the football field, Melissa tells Seth she can’t wait for this to be over, she’s scared something is going to happen. Seth promises he won’t let anything happen to her. The ceremony starts Tia and her prince walk on to the stage followed by Laurel and her prince before they announce the first Homecoming King and Queen in 25 years: Melissa Brady and Seth Powell. Melissa and Seth get crowned and nothing happens, nothing goes wrong. Melissa finally relaxes, they have a tonne of photos taken and then they can finally leave.

Celeste is waiting for Mel and is really happy for her, Melissa asks if Izzy came but she didn’t show up. Celeste says she’s trying to talk Izzy into forgiving her but Izzy won’t hear it. Why is Celeste getting a pass on all this? She started it!

Melissa wants to go to see Izzy but Celeste says to leave it for now and get ready for the dance. [Wing: Why the fuck isn’t this ceremony taking place at the dance? Hall, I’m enjoying this book, but you have made some odd choices.] Seth comes up and asks Mel to go to a pre dance party, Celeste starts to leave and Mel invites her to the party but Celeste declines saying she wouldn’t fit in.

The party lasts a couple of hours leaving Melissa only an hour to get ready. [Wing: What the fuck is this goddamn schedule? Pre-partying happens after you’re already dressed and good to go, mostly it’s a meal before Homecoming and then a post-dance party, weeks of voting, the crowning doesn’t even take place at the dance, Hall, do you know anything about a Homecoming?] Luckily all she needs to do is fix her makeup and change into her dress. She is meeting Seth at the dance.

Melissa gets home but her cats and parents are nowhere to be seen, she hurries to her room to change but her dress is hanging in tatters completely shredded, was it Zach? Laurel? Was the person who did it still there? Melissa is freaked out and wants to get out the house but feels trapped, if someone is still there how will she get downstair? She slowly opens her door and takes a step out of her room she pauses and hears a creak she looks at the guest bedroom and sees the door start to open, expecting the killer she is relieved when her cats come out the room, taking the chance she runs downstairs. Melissa calls the police but the detective who took her statement isn’t available. As soon as she hangs up her phone rings, it’s Celeste checking in, Melissa tells Celeste what happened to her dress. Celeste has a new dress she bought for a wedding and offers to let Melissa wear that, Melissa is very grateful and arranges to meet Celeste in the girls locker room to change. [Wing: How convenient that they wear similar sizes.]


So Melissa, clearly with different priorities than myself, drives to the dance. The auditorium has been decorated beautifully, the king and queen thrones are centre stage, there is a goldfish pond and twinkly lights. Wait, a goldfish pond? WHY? Surely that’s a huge health and safety violation.

Melissa walks through the hall but no one is around, no students, no teachers just a decorated hall and a bunch of cables for the light and sound booth. [Wing: Where the fuck is everyone this close to the dance? Not all the attendees would be there, but people in charge of it. Is this an entirely fake location for the grand finale and the actual dance is taking place some where else?] Melissa has her cloak, crown and sceptre under her arm as she gets to the girls locker room, Celeste is already there looking beautiful in a midnight blue dress, delicate makeup with her hair loose holding a dress box.

Celeste gives Melissa the box taking the cloak, crown and sceptre. Mel is so grateful and happy, she looks at the dress, its gorgeous whit and lace with a scooped neckline, it looks vintage. Melissa puts it on, she loves the dress. Celeste says that Melissa must look after the dress, her tone is off Melissa asks if everything is ok and Celeste says the dress is very special to her as it used to belong to her aunt, Melissa says she thought Celeste bought it for a wedding but Celeste says Melissa must have misheard her. Melissa is confused but brushes it off. [Wing: Yeah, of course you do. Girl.]

Melissa asks about her Aunt, Celeste says she has never met her aunt as she died very young, when she was 17. Melissa is sympathetic. Celeste says the dress was supposed to be her aunt’s graduation dress she was valedictorian with a scholarship to an Ivy league school, she wanted to be a doctor, she was the prettiest and smartest girl at Westdale High. Melissa asks the aunt’s name. Celeste answers ‘Brenda’ alarm bells start ringing in Melissa’s head but she ignored them surely this was just a coincidence, surely this was a different Brenda. [Wing: WTF, Melissa, you were doing so well. Mostly.]

Melissa asks how she died and Celeste replies she was in a car accident. Melissa asks if Celeste’s aunt was Brenda Sheldon, Celeste confirms that yes her aunt was Brenda Sheldon. Melissa turns round surprised to see Celeste wearing the cloak, crown and sceptre but even more surprised to see the knife in Celeste’s hand. Melissa realises Celeste has been behind everything all along. See! I told you she was trying too hard to blame Izzy!!!!!! My Izzy!

Melissa asks why? Do we need a motive babe? This girl has seriously injured two girls and killed another, less why more run. [Wing: I mean, I’m also curious.]

Celeste says that after Brenda’s death there should never be another Homecoming Queen at Westdale High ever again. Melissa asks why Celeste never told them but Celeste says that Brenda was turned into a laughing stock, a joke, a ghost story not a real person anymore and no one would care. [Wing: Fair, actually. Not a reason to, you know, attack and kill people, but a fair way to feel. That would be awful.]

Celeste was furious when they brought back Homecoming King and Queen so she decided to make everyone pay. Melissa can’t believe it was Celeste but she admits to everything none of it was Izzy or Zach or Betsy or Laurel it was all Celeste.

At first Celeste just wanted Melissa to drop out of the competition, they were friends Celeste didn’t want to hurt her but then Melissa made the mistake of becoming friends with Faith and Tia, betraying their friendship. [Wing: …you could have tried harder to convince her to drop out! You were certainly supporting her run at Homecoming Queen way more than you should have if what you really wanted to happen was her to drop out.] Celeste says that Melissa lied about going the library instead of coming to Celeste’s house, Celeste went to the library and saw Melissa with Faith and Tia, Melissa says she only bumped into them at the library it wasn’t planned but Celeste doesn’t believe her. [Wing: I knew that would come back to bite her in the ass!] That’s the night she decided Faith and Tia should suffer and that Melissa should die.

Celeste backs Melissa into a wall, Melissa is trapped hoping someone walks in and she can call for help. Melissa asks Celeste to tell her about Brenda, Celeste smiles and talks about how she was sweet and clever and kind. After her death, the Sheldon family moved away not being able to bear living in the same town anymore, but when they moved back after a few years everyone had forgotten Brenda’s family and even worse Brenda was considered a joke, a ghost story. It made Celeste angry that this vibrant, brilliant young woman was now a horrible legend. [Wing: Again, this is a really good point, and I want it explored more in other horror stories. What an awful thing to deal with, a beloved family member turned into an urban legend.]

Celeste says that she even looks like Brenda so really she should have been Homecoming queen. [Wing: … er, okay, way to undermine all your other points.]

Celeste can’t believe they are having homecoming in memory of Betsy and not Brenda. (I can’t believe they are still having homecoming at all!) Melissa asks why Celeste killed Betsy, I mean Betsy was an evil troll did she need a reason? Celeste hated Betsy more than anyone, Betsy was cruel and mean. Melissa asks how she knew Betsy would be at the laundrette, Celeste didn’t know she was following Melissa and saw the prank from her car, Betsy stayed behind to wash her jacket and Laurel left so Celeste seized the moment.

Melissa wants to know why Celeste fingered Izzy for the crimes…I mean that’s pretty obvious Mel, like come on babe. Celeste says that it was too easy to make Melissa suspicious of Izzy, Melissa says Celeste ruined hers and Izzy’s friendship but Celeste counters that Melissa didn’t deserve Izzy’s friendship because she became too much like Laurel and Betsy. When? How? Celeste come on now.

Celeste screams that Melissa threw away their friendship to be popular and deserves to die, Celeste says that when she was slashing Mel’s dress she imagined it was Melissa’s body. Melissa begs Celeste to let her go but Celeste says she has to kill Melissa ‘for Brenda’ Melissa rightly points out Brenda is dead and doesn’t care but Celeste says that Brenda needs her revenge. Oh My God Celeste you didn’t even know her.

Melissa tells Celeste she will never get away with this but Celeste points out that she is literally the perfect student and is way too smart to get caught. Not sure that’s how crime works but ok. Celeste approaches Melissa with the knife, Melissa looks over her shoulder and screams ‘Izzy Run!’ Celeste falls for the bait and turns around giving Melissa a few seconds to shove Celeste, grab the sceptre and run to the nearest exit. Melissa runs to the first floor…um exit babe? She can hear Celeste behind her screaming that she will never get away, typical villain jargon. The next exit is locked and Melissa has no choice but to head to the gym. The gym is still empty, Melissa hides under the bleachers, she can hear Celeste walking around calling out for her. Melissa watches Celeste walk the length of the gym before disappearing from view, she hears the gym doors slam open as Celeste storms out of the gym.

Thinking it’s safe, Mel steps out from behind the bleachers but Celeste is sitting right in the middle of the bleachers smiling at Melissa. Celeste calls Mel stupid then leaps off the bleachers towards her. Melissa uses the sceptre to knock the knife out of Celeste’s hand, Celeste lands on Melissa knocking the sceptre away. Melissa shoves Celeste off her and tries to run but Celeste tackles her from behind knocking her to the floor. Celeste grabs the sceptre and comes towards Melissa, smashing Melissa in the arm with the sceptre. [Wing: How fucking sturdy is this thing?] Celeste moved in for the kill raising the sceptre to being it down on Melissa’s head but Melissa desperately kicks out causing Celeste to fall backwards into the goldfish pond, Celeste grabs the string of twinkly lights to stop herself falling but instead of regaining her balance she falls backwards into the pond. There is a bright flash and Melissa hears Celeste’s last agonised screams as she is electrocuted to death. See? Huge health and safety issues. God bless the 90s.

[Wing: The goldfish pond at Homecoming is the biggest contrived bit of setting bullshit in a book that leaned real hard into contrived bullshit to get to the climax.]

Weeks later its time for the epilogue. Melissa is watching horror movies with Izzy, they have patched things up and are best friends once again. Thank goodness, everyone should be friends with Izzy.

Melissa is happy things are back to normal but thinks about Celeste and starts to feel sad and upset, Izzy notices right away and points out that Celeste was brought up on stories of her aunt and became obsessed with her. Celeste was obsessed long before she met Izzy or Melissa and they had no idea about her relationship to or obsession with Brenda. Izzy reminds Melissa about all the lies Celeste told each of them to keep them in a fight. Celeste was working overtime to keep them apart.

At that moment Seth comes in carrying pizza, I’m glad he stuck around! The three dig in to their pizza and Melissa relaxes and realises this Halloween is her best one ever. Ok kind of an odd note to end on considering Halloween was not mentioned at all during the book but ok I guess. No follow up to the murders and crimes? Is the school going to drop Homecoming forever or still risk multiple students being maimed and murdered for years to come. Did Melissa get back friends with Tia and Faith? Did the bullying and rumours stop? Did Zach get reported for threatening language and behaviour? Like Hello? I thought an epilogue was supposed to tie up lose ends? Not tell us how great Melissa’s Halloween is! [Wing: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.]

Final thoughts

Hmmm ok so I actually enjoyed this one! The characters were pretty cool, complex and nicely fleshed out plus there was a lot of emphasis on toxic relationships and how bad they are. It was a nice twist that Celeste was the Muffin Man, I honestly thought it would be Zach given the multiple accounts of his coercive and controlling behaviour. There were a couple of suspension of disbelief moments like continuing having Homecoming even after two attacks and a murder-also don’t laundrettes have CCTV? And that there were literally no adults at all, these weren’t paranormal, possibly imagination led incidents they were real and dangerous attacks, I would have liked to have seen one concerned parent/adult figure.

The epilogue was trash and totally tagged on with no thought. I still have tonnes of questions- especially if Melissa was exonerated in front of everyone and if Zach had a goddamn talking to from law enforcement but on the whole I really enjoyed this one. 

[Wing: The last run to the climax was some of the most contrived bullshit we’ve seen in these books and that epilogue did absolutely nothing, but I also really enjoyed the book. It’s fun! Mostly, the characters feel real, their friendships are good, the conflict makes a lot of sense! Even the Muffin Man has some good motivation! Hall, you could have pulled this off, but no, no, you let this flop at the end. I want better!

I also want more from Hall, so I hope that happens.]