Wing Recommends the Teen Creeps podcast
Recently one of our readers suggest we listen to the Teen Creeps podcast, where comedians Kelly Nugent and Lindsay Katai recap YA genre fiction (starting out, mostly Christopher Pike, and you all know how much I love Christopher Pike). I think they are hilarious and their discussions smart, funny, and sometimes heartbreaking; they talk about the books, of course, but also their personal lives, racism, mental illness, rape, the dumpster fire that is USA politics right now — many of the same things we talk about in our recaps. (Warning: They go to the crazy = dangerous trope a lot.)
Dove doesn’t love the podcast as much as I do (I basically marathoned the available episodes in a week), but agreed with my plan to link to their episodes where appropriate. I just went back through and added links from our recaps of Christopher Pike’s Weekend and Whisper of Death, and in the future when our recaps cross, I’ll link there too.
We are not affiliated with the podcast, it’s just something I enjoy and want to share with our readers.