Would you like to recap for this site?
Would you like to recap for this site? We would love to hear your snark. Wing and I try to update as often as we can, but life does get in the way. If you would like to do a recap of a Point Horror for this site, let us know in the comments.
If you don’t have an electronic copy of the book (this makes quoting so much easier), we can help you out there.
Someone… anyone… please reply.
(Please note: if you do recap, Dove and Wing will add comments, just like they do on each other’s recaps.)
Yes, please! I’d love to have a go.
Brilliant news, Paul. I will drop you an email as soon as I’ve had a word with Wing. Until I speak to Wing, I have no idea what to put in the email. I’ve literally just finished work, so Wing will have to do thinking for me for the next hour or so.
You rocked it. Thanks so much! Any time you want to tackle a book, we’d love to have your recaps.
MAYBE. But I would miss your recaps.
Don’t worry, Gems, it wouldn’t be instead of us, it would be as well as — ultimately, it would simply mean more recaps, so a little more regularity in posting.
(I can’t help but call you “Gems”, that’s my li’l sister’s name, and I refer to her as “our Gems” all the time. It sometimes trickles over to other Gemmas. Sometimes even at work. Sometimes my superiors.)
Come one, then.
And by “one” I mean “on”. It’s going well already.
We’ll still be recapping, but I have to say, it’s a lot of fun commenting on someone else’s recap, too. I just finished commenting on the one that will go up next week. You guys are in for a treat.
I’m afraid anything I wrote would chase away all your viewers.
Mimi, you make up 33% of our readers. And the other 66% have volunteered! I think we can assume that nobody’s going anywhere!
I’m sure it will be a delight. I hope you give it a go.
If you ever wanted anyone to recap in the future, I wouldn’t mind trying? I have a few of the books stored somewhere (iirc “The Cemetery”, “The Girlfriend”, the 13s, “The Snowman”, “Twins”, “Freeze Tag”, and … what’s that one where the girl is obsessed with a soap opera and anything creepy that happens in the show happens to her? or am I thinking of a Goosebumps? I dunno …)